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i-mobile Mediation Adapter Usage Instructions

Below are the steps for using Google AdMob Mediation with i-mobile SDK for IOS and Android.

Common Steps

  1. Make an AdSpot via i-mobile's dashboard.
  2. Perform the required setup on the Mediation dashboard.

    i-mobile app settings screen Mediation dashboard
    PubliserID PubliserID
    MediaID MediaID
    SpotID SpotID
    ※ Use the below site as reference for more details.
  3. Get the Mediation ID from the Google AdMob dashboard.
  4. Download the SDK and Adapter from i-mobile's dashboard



  1. MediationID
    MediationID from the AdMob dashboard.
  2. Xcode 4.5 or above.
  3. AdNetwork SDK and Adapter for Mediation.


  1. Add the SDKs and Adapters for the AdNetworks that you want to use mediation with to your iOS project in Xcode.
  2. Use Google AdMob SDK and setup standard Ad Delivery.
    Make sure to use MediationID and not PubliserID.


  1. House Ads
    If you use house Ads, i-mobile house Ads will be displayed in Mediation. Please be warned that house Ad impressions and clicks will not be displayed on the i-mobile dashboard but will be counted on mediation.
  2. Supported Size
    Banner 320×50
  3. Interstitial full screen not supported.



  1. MediationID
    MediationID from the AdMob dashboard.
  2. Android SDK 3.2 or above.
  3. AdNetwork SDK and Adapter for Mediation.


  1. Add the SDKs and Adapters for the AdNetworks that you want to use mediation with to your Android project in Eclipse.
  2. Use Google AdMob SDK and setup standard Ad Delivery.
    Make sure to use MediationID and not PubliserID.
  3. On Google AdMob Advertiser Network Mediation Screen (http://mediation.admob.com/) add network mediation placement or under add advertiser nework add i-mobile.


  1. House Ads
    If you use house Ads, i-mobile house Ads will be displayed in Mediation. Please be warned that house Ad impressions and clicks will not be displayed on the i-mobile dashboard but will be counted on mediation.
  2. Supported Size
    Banner 320×50
  3. Interstitial full screen not supported.
  4. Manifest.xml
    There is no need to add anything about i-mobile in it.
    Make sure to use MediationID and not PubliserID.
    In regards to Permission, please use the same settings as AdMob SDK.